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Legal Notice



This site is the property of M Samuel LEBAS whose company is located 21 rue du Chemin Fourchu 14000 CAEN, is registered in the directory of companies and institutions (SIRENE) under the number SIRET 477 624 316 00030




Mix Communication

6 dead end of the Belle Aire

14840 Cuverville

Telephone: 06 79 68 23 71

Mail: contact [at]



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Internet users acknowledge having previously verified, in case of malfunction, that the computer configuration used contains no viruses and that it is in perfect working order. The host strives to allow access to the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in case of force majeure or an event out of control and subject to possible breakdowns and maintenance required for the proper operation of the site and services. Therefore, it is impossible to guarantee availability of the site and / or services, reliability of transmissions and performance in terms of response time or quality. No technical assistance is provided to the user by electronic or telephone means. The responsibility of the host can not be engaged in case of impossibility of access to this site and / or use of the services. This website does not correspond to a public service mission, so access is not subject to the principle of continuity of the public service.




The contents presented on this site are subject to copyright law. As a result, the general design, the texts, the images, the know-how and all other elements composing the graphic structure of the site are the exclusive property of the owner, apart from the short quotations which belong to their respective authors and which have been under Article L. 122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code. The reproduction, even partial, of all or part of this site (other than technically necessary for its consultation) on any electronic medium whatsoever is expressly prohibited. The use of the content of the site in contravention of these prescriptions is counterfeit within the meaning of Article 335-2 of the Code of Intellectual Property.




The establishment of hypertext links to this site is subject to no prior agreement, only the explicit mention of the site in question in the title of the link is desired. However, as far as possible, this site should be opened in a new browser tab / window. However, the owner reserves the right to request the deletion of a link if he considers the source site does not conform to the values and / or the object of his target site.




In accordance with the law “Informatique et Libertés” n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, modified by the law n ° 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, the automated processing of personal data made from the website www.effi-, hosted on OVH servers.


As such, and in accordance with Article 32 of the aforementioned law, personal information (first name, last name, telephone number, e-mail, social status, domain name) collected via the quote and contact forms are subject to data processing intended only for the controller, in this case the manager of the site Samuel LEBAS, the sole recipient of the data, to respond to the users, and in the most appropriate manner, and will never be used for any unplanned purpose or passed on to partners. No personal information other than those requested in this frame is collected without your knowledge.


The collected data will not be kept more than 1 year:


– from the collection or last contact for prospects, – from the end of the commercial relationship for customers.


In addition, data collected via the processing of personal data on this site will not be transferred outside the territory of the European Union.


Also, the processed data are the subject of constant attention in terms of security. In addition to an HTTPS website, this involves inventive logins, complex passwords with strong protection as well as, more generally, advanced security modules protecting access to the entire back-office. of the website.


Moreover, in accordance with articles 39 and 40 of the same law, the user of this site or the Customer benefits from the rights of interrogation, access, rectification and opposition concerning the data concerning him by sending an e -mail or a postal mail addressed to:


EFFIFARM France – LEBASHSU SARL – 21 rue du chemin Fourchu – 14000 CAEN – FRANCE


Finally, the user of this site or the Customer may at any time lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL), French supervisory authority.




The website uses cookies (plotters). These are files saved on your device. Most of the cookies used on this website are necessary for the navigation and the good display of this site, while some others come from Google Analytics and collect statistics of anonymous visits.


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The purpose of cookies is to allow browsing and display of the optimal pages on our site as well as to control the privacy of the users. The use of these tracers does not require your consent according to article 32 II of the law n ° 78-17 of January 6th, 1978.

You can, however, disable them at any time by going to the number symbolizing the cookies stored in your web browser at the bottom right of each page and then clicking on the red cross to delete on the left of each entry. This cookie management will only be possible once you decide to accept or reject Google Analytics plotters.


Cookies requiring your prior consent


Analytics cookies, from the Google third party, are intended to collect statistics of anonymous visits which, once cross-checked, could be intrusive for the privacy of users of the site.

As a result, you can allow or deny them to allow the site manager to improve the quality of navigation during your first visit at the bottom of the homepage.

Finally, you can at any time return to your choice and withdraw your consent by visiting “Service Management” at the bottom right of each page.

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